Ironic name, huh?
We aren't going camping. In fact, we are aiming to prevent kids from camping out on the couch at home. Our "camps" at Texas Dreams are energy-filled, gym-time, structured play! Kids will have time to:
Be athletic
Wanna run, jump, flip, and swing while school’s out? Texas Dreams Gymnastics' 30,000 square foot, padded playground stays cool all day, with skylights and huge bay windows to keep the sunshine in and the heat out. From the time they arrive, our campers will be challenged with games, contests, and gymnastics skills, scattered with a little downtime in between.
Be a kid
TV time and electronic games are the typical out-of-school tendencies, but these can't replace the joy of learning new skills with other kids and laughing out loud (literally). Our coaches are kid professionals that keep our campers laughing and entertained throughout the day, leading a curriculum that mixes fun with challenges. Join us is in making great, lasting memories at our Texas Dreams Gymnastics Camps!